You’re invited to join us in celebrating all that God has done in the past and in investing with us to meet the challenges of the future. We believe that the ministry that God has planned for Tesoro Escondido will be life-changing for generations to come, and we welcome you to be a part of that with us. We look forward to celebrating and partnering with you!

Need to Book a Hotel Room?
Kerygma Ventures has reserved a limited number of sleeping rooms with a special rate at Hotel Drover and Hyatt Place Fort Worth Historic Stockyards.
To book a room at Hotel Drover, please click here. (*Kerygma Room block FULL*)
To book a room at Hyatt Place, please click here.
Please note that dinner guests will receive complimentary valet parking for our event. Please be sure to indicate to your valet that you are attending the Kerygma Ventures dinner to receive complimentary parking!