Igniting the Passion for Life
“I’ve never knew I could have this freedom…It’s as if my life has been given back to me.”
Why do so many Christians experience the initial romantic “blush” of the Christian life, only to have it pale into the daily hum-drum of frustration and defeat?
God wants us to walk in the “…immeasurable more than all we can ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.” Ephesians 3:20
Life on the highest plane requires and energy that is only released when love is awakened. Passionless living will never produce holiness nor liberty. However, life with passion will bring a fullness that liberates and satisfies. The process of maturity is not oppressive and legalistic, but one of discover and embracing with joy, the fullness of Christ’s life.
The series was written from the heart of one who is in the process of find these treasures. It is shared with the hope that your heart may be full and your soul enriched as you walk the pathway toward maturity.