What is Kerygma Network?
Apostolic Teaching.
- Jesus Christ fulfilled Old Testament promise and prophecy.
- The incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ inaugurated a New Covenant through which forgiveness of sin is accessible and complete.
- The Holy Spirit, as the sign and seal of adoption, empowers believers to live in joyful obedience.
- The invasion of the kingdom of God produces a new kind of people.
The presence of the king demands a response.
- Provide equipping opportunities for implementation of the message and fulfilling the mandate.
- Use available technology to aid the maintenance of relational accountability and encouragement
Work through coordinators to address help for the members of the network.
Assumptions that undergird the basic philosophy:
Every church, ministry, and leader has been placed in relationships and/or geographical locations to work with the other like-minded ones to aid the spread of the Kingdom’s influence. (Leaders too busy to meaningfully relate to other leaders are not hearing the sound.)
The New Testament gospel transforms hearts and must be continually and clearly preached and practiced in every situation where ministry is needed.
We are operating under one Sovereign whose purpose and pleasure is our only guiding concern.
The only legitimate measure of success in ministry is the effectiveness of disciples who themselves demonstrate the Kingdom in their lives. They will have the obvious fruit of love, hope, and faith. (2 Corinthians 3: Paul says the believers in Corinth are the letter of commendation for his ministry.)
Since we live under the stipulations of the New Covenant, we expect the Holy Spirit to make real the benefits of it in our lives: obedient living and transformational ministry.
We all have different roles to play and are eagerly seeking to submit to the recognized gifts among us.
Worthy work deserves worthy support.
What is Kerygma Network?
I am part of a team with a defined identity and a stated mission.
I am committed to equipping those directly under my care and to affecting those beyond my local church including both ecclesial and marketplace people.
I have priority access to spiritual fathers and to those with apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, teaching and pastoral gifts.
I am confident that I am never alone; I am at most a phone call away from a loving friend.
I am a part of a mutually accountable team that covers me morally, spiritually, and doctrinally.
I have priority access to scheduled equipping events sponsored by Kerygma Network and Kerygma Ventures.
I can participate with other Kerygma Network members in opportunities such as youth camps, family camps, retreats, church plants, etc.
I am investing financially in the ministry of Kerygma Network through relational connections with those who provide oversight and ministry support.
I maintain organizational accountability by specifying Kerygma Network’s role in crisis management including having my by-laws on file with Kerygma Network.